Two Novellas
Quinn is the story of an artist and teacher unexpectedly diagnosed with a fatal illness, mesothelioma, the disease that took Warren Zevon from this world at an early age. It explores how he and the people around him come to terms with this new and awful reality, and how his determination to leave something of beauty behind gives added meaning to what is left of his life, much as Warren Zevon did with his final album, The Wind. I was far along in the writing of Quinn when a close friend received similar terrible news. This volume is dedicated to his memory.
Lydia is about an accomplished wildlife photographer, living an adventurous and successful life with which she is very satisfied. Divorced five years before the story begins, she encounters a man slightly younger than she while on an expedition ship going to South Georgia and the Falkland Islands. On first seeing him, his physical appearance intrigues her, thinking he would be an interesting photographic subject. He is not classically handsome and bears no resemblance to the men to whom she’s been attracted before, but when she meets and talks with him, she finds herself strongly and unexpectedly attracted. What she will do about this initially unwanted preoccupation is the heart of the story.
I hope you will enjoy these very different stories and, as always, would welcome your thoughts.